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Stack matsnet BTC


If you’ve acquired mats on, you can spend them to stack matsnet BTC on Mezo matsnet. The matsnet BTC is used to pay the gas fees on Mezo matsnet.

You can stack matsnet BTC using your Mezo account created from either a Bitcoin wallet or an Ethereum wallet. If you don’t have an account, see the Creating Account guide.

If you do not have any mats in your Mezo Portal, see the mats Documentation to learn how they work and how to acquire them.

Swap mats for matsnet BTC

A new page is available in the Mezo Portal at

  1. Open in your browser.
  2. Log in with your Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet.
  3. On the matsnet page, click Stack matsnet BTC. A prompt opens asking you how many mats to spend.
  4. Specify how many mats you want to spend to stack matsnet BTC (sats).
  5. Click Confirm.

If the process is successful, you now have matsnet BTC that you can use to pay for transactions. Go to and search for your wallet address to confirm your balance.